Log in


Trigger login and registration popups from Joomla menu-items

You can test it in the Sample Menu above. This is a very useful feature if you use horizontal menu in your site. Easy to use and easy to configure this feature. 
You should follow these steps to achieve this:
1. Firstly, you need to create a Menu Item for the Login button. You should navigate to the Menus / All Menu Items page and click to the new Menu Item button. 

2. In the Edit Item sub-page you should add the Title for the menu item, select the Users / Login Form Menu Item Type from the select list and select your Horizontal Menu on the right side. If you want to hide the Login menu item for the logged in users, you should set the Access to guest, so the menu item will visible only for the guest users.

3. After that you should navigate to the Link Type tab and write the log-popup class to the Link class parameter, which will help to trigger the Improved AJAX Login & Register login form. If you are done with the configuration, you should click to the save button and check the menu item on the front-end.

1. You need to create a Menu Item for the Register button, like the Login menu item. You should navigate to the Menus / All Menu Items page and click to the new Menu Item button. 

2. Firstly, you should add the Title for the menu item. After that, you should select the Users / Login Form Menu Item type from the select list and select your Horizontal Menu on the right side. If you want to hide the Register menu item for the logged in users, you should set the Access to guest, so the menu item will visible only for the guest users.

3. After the details tab, you should navigate to the Link Type tab and write the reg-popup class to the Link class parameter, which will help to trigger the Improved AJAX Login & Register login form. If you are done with the configuration, you should click to the save button and check the menu item on the front-end.

1. The logout button configuration is easier than the other two button. You need to create a menu item, so you should navigate to the Menus / All Menu Items page and click to the new Menu Item button. 

2. You should add the Title for the Menu Item, select the Users / Logout Menu Item Type and your menu in the right tab, Menu select list parameter. You should set the item visible for only the logged in users, so choose the Registered user-group in the Access parameter.  The Logout button is ready to use, check it on your front-end.

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