How to configure the reCAPTCHA plugin to use it in the registration form?
It is very easy to add the reCAPTCHA functionality to the Improved AJAX Login and Register module. You can check it in our Demo Registration Form if you click to the register button above.
Just follow these steps to enable the reCAPTCHA feature in seconds:
1.) Navigate to the plugins and select the CAPTCHA - reCAPTCHA plugin, which is a built-in plugin in the Joomla! system.
2.) Click on the link in the top to create your account at Google. You should write a name to the Label field, choose the reCAPTCHA v2 type, add your domains to the Domains textbox and check in the reCAPTCHA Terms of Service.
After that you should click to the Register button.
3.) You will get the Site key and Secret key, which you need to copy your plugin settings / Site Key and Secret Key. After that you can select the Theme, Size. You need to enable the plugin in the Status select list and set the Access to Public..
4.) After these steps, you can drag the reCAPTCHA field in the Form Manager / Default Fields tab. You should drag and drop the I'm not a robot field to your form, and check the result in the front-end.
So only with these 4 steps your site will be protected from fake registrations.